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22 gauge copper sheet

22-gauge copper sheet is a type of slim copper sheet very often used in different companies same with Xinxiangsheng copper sheet metal. The gauge measurement of copper sheet relates to the depth for the metal. The low the gauge quantity, the thicker the copper sheet. In the full situation of 22-gauge copper sheet, it really is a depth of 0.0254 ins or 0.64516 millimeters.

Advantages of Using 22 Gauge Copper Sheet

One of many advantages of using Xinxiangsheng 22-gauge copper sheet is its high conductivity. Copper is a good conductor of electricity, rendering it a material that very good electric applications. In addition, copper has corrosion that excellent properties, making it a popular option for marine and industrial applications. 22-gauge copper sheet also provides good conductivity that thermal which is helpful in heat transfer applications.

Why choose Xinxiangsheng 22 gauge copper sheet?

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